It’s been some months since our last post. We would have liked to write something before,  because we had so much to share with you, but there was something missing: energy. As well as (not only) the stamina that gives us motivation, pushing us to accomplish our goals and make our dreams come true.

We confess we lacked the psychological disposition because we were facing difficult moments and struggling to put ourselves together, but here we are, again. Maybe a little bit tired, but with more awareness about life and about ourselves, because this period has also allowed us to reflect.


In Women World, we see ourselves as more than dreamers, as achievers. We love to think of ourselves as women empowered, able to succeed in different spheres. However, willing or not, we are called to get in touch with our deeper feelings, which may ask us to stop, take a pause and breathe. We’re powerful but still vulnerable, and that’s (still) part of our strength, which helps us to keep going in spite of challenges, difficulties and problems such as moving (wanted or not), divorce/separation, losing a job, an economic crisis, or any other sudden and undesirable changes.

Arcane XII of the Tarot de Marseille

Moments like that could remind us of the Arcane XII of the Tarot de Marseille, that depicts a man hanging by his left ankle from a green beam, with his arms bent and hands held behind his back, and a facial expression of calm and serenity that may suggest that he is there by his own choice.

In any case, in that uncomfortable posture, two things are clear. On a material level, The hanged man can not act, probably he’ll have to wait for certain events to happen to be (more) free again, whereas on a spiritual level, he has the chance to see everything from different points of view and even gain new insights.


Similarly, hexagram 33 of I Ching, Retreat*, talks of “withdrawing from what can harm you, or what might swallow you up; it is a way to keep yourself whole. So retreating creates success: it is not defeat, but the way to avoid defeat, like any army that falls back and stays intact. When you retreat, you hide yourself away, so that you will not lose yourself (…) It is a way to be constant to principle, and to yourself, by paying less attention to immediate results”.


We are also aware that, as everything is connected, our lives are also sensitive to what happens in the sky. We know that on March 23rd, Pluto, the cosmic ruler of death and rebirth, changed position or moved from Capricorn to Aquarius for the first time since 2008, and stayed there until June 11th. In February 2024, Pluto will move again to Aquarius, where it will stay for nearly twenty years. This placement, as it already happened almost 200 years ago, will bring radical changes for the entire humankind.


And if we talk about transformations, we can’t forget Persephone, who was abducted by her uncle Hades, king of the dead. Eventually, after discovering and owning her own subterranean world (the psyche) and recognizing her own shadows, Persephone returns from the underworld, not anymore as a maiden whose name was Kore, but as the Queen of the Underworld.

She went to hell, in a certain way, she hit rock bottom, then went through a process of metamorphosis, growth, and evolution.

Take a Break

Now, with a few weeks left before we say goodbye and thanks to 2023, we can only wish that we take time to (make a) pause, even for just one day, for us, to listen to our inner voice and then find out if now it’s the moment to stop or to continue walking, better to say “paving” that takes us to materialise our dreams and even more important to evolve as a soul. After all, this is a journey —a hero’s (heroine’s) journey!

We are Back!

Soon, we’ll come back with the information about upcoming events and retreats, in Zurich, Mallorca and Andorra.

 We’d love to see you, in person, again and Exchange, Empower & Evolve Together!

Feel free to share your opinion and experiences with us!! And stay tuned.

Melanny Hernández R. is a copywriter and blog curator at Women World