Face The Unknown–Get Lost to Find Yourself

As Women International Month comes to an end, the new season of Spring emerges. Unexpected events can quickly change everything–a relationship crumbling, a job lost, your child leaving for the summer–and you find yourself recognizing the shedding of parts of your identity. Family and friends incessantly ask, “What now? What will you do?” The huge emptiness seems like a never-ending abyss or an irreparable injury. So, what is it that you can do about these uncomfortable conditions?

Do nothing.

There is a voice inside your head telling you to go to the gym, see a friend, take on a second job, get a cat, and go traveling. The natural inclination is to stay busy; to fill up your space with more activities and things for your household. Perhaps you binge shop or binge watch Netflix—all in an effort to avoid some emotional pain. The trick is to outwit the devil within you: to not do the things that you normally would which reinforce self-destructive patterns. The key is to create the space for something big to land: something fruitful and rewarding. But how could you do that when the space in your brain is cluttered and the vault of your heart closed? Start small: maybe with your closet or kitchen pantry. You don’t need to reorganize your life in a dramatic way.

Face the jungle without a compass.

Do you ever find yourself in a trance-like state when you begin to clean? Hours pass by, and your mind is able to rest and take you to different places. This allows for neurons in your brain to connect in a new way and can be the source of your ‘aha’ or eureka moment, where hope shines through and opens up a brand new direction. Some call this flow while others describe it as one’s soul speaking. But then worry and regret may start to pull at the strings of your heart, making you anxious about what lies ahead in the unknown. In response, you may shut yourself off from the depths of your soul, turning inward into a jungle. However, try writing or drawing randomly on paper to see what comes out; perhaps a snippet of wisdom awaits you on its pages.

Find clues in a book.

As your reality may spin in circles, with no end to the wilderness of your thoughts, go for a walk. Random walks in your neighborhood. Perhaps the answers lie beyond the canvassed area of your artwork, or even your home. Venture outside and as you wander past bins, shelters, and alleys; scour through random cubbyholes and get lost. You may find random treasures, like books. Flip its pages and read a passage. Stories can become your compass—a clue in the right direction. But first, you must be a foot soldier: grounded in the purpose of inquiry. Remember: Powerful words inscribed on paper dictate the course of history and soothe the dead. From grand speeches to whispered prayers; words hold the power to shift nations if we are only vigilant enough to understand their signals. As you read on, listen with an open mind, and let the new path slowly reveal itself. 

Become the hero of your life.

Close the book, close your eyes and feel the words. Breathe in the salt water, pollen, and dust. Take it all in—the good and the bad. Keep walking, exploring, and rearranging, for you are the hero of your life. Heroes face the unknown and return home a champion. Every good thing must come to an end, as must any bad things. We all exist in duality and opposite extremes but we don’t have to be that way. As heroes, we learn to integrate the ugly with the beautiful. We blaze trails and go on many journeys. We learn to accept uncertainty without fear and embrace disorientation before finding our destination. The hero’s journey concept may seem far-removed from you but trust that it is tangible. To find yourself, you must succumb to vacancy and listen to its whispers. Only when you’re truly present can you recognize heroism in even the smallest moments and know which path is calling your name.

Embark on an adventure to lose yourself, or better yet to find your true self. But if you’re up for a real challenge, join forces with our coaches and confront the unknown. We believe everyone has the power to be a hero in their own life, and we’re here to guide you along the way. Take the first step towards evolution and join us for our upcoming Kundalini event. Here, you’ll awaken your senses, ignite your mind, and connect with other women who share similar journeys of self-discovery.

Alice Hlidkova is a copywriter and blog curator at Women World.